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// Packaging Machines

RCN 160 / 270 / 320


  1. RCN 160 : Compact, User friendly ,pouches up to 160 mm of width.
    Dedicated to small products as sutures, wound closure strips or long and thin such as catheters, pipettes and tubes the RCN 160 is the smallest of the range able to run at low speed for small batches.
  2. RCN 270: Flexible, New technology more quiet , Standard automation or Siemens® Simotion , pouches up to 270 mm of width.
    The most multi-purpose machine of the range is the RCN 270 producing flat pouches four side sealed with using two reels of materials. Operated by CNC controller this pouching machine is designed for adhesive dressings, gauze swabs, surgeons’ gloves, catheters, drapes…
  3. RCN 320: Productive in single or multi lane, new technology more quietly , Pouches up to 320 mm of width.
    The largest in the range, the RCN320, produces flat pouches sealed on all four sides using two reels of flexible packaging material. Its distinctive feature is its ability to double or triple its production thanks to its double or triple track model.